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This path is set in Cape Kamakura, a site about 60 km away from the Tokyo city center. It is a project that connects a visitor center at the cape to two artist cabins and the sea. 

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Image 1

The entrance of the path. This is an area with public seating that overlooks the sea on one side and an open stage at the other.

Image 2

A simplified plan of the path showing the connection between the visitor center and the two artist cabins.

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Drawings Above

Plan and section A of the path.

Image 3

This image shows a perspective of the path, from the point-of-view of a person standing at its entrance. The public seating (center of image), as well as the open stage (left of image), are shown.


Images above

Model photos and the process of building. The model was built in a toy-like fashion, similar to the way that much of the Japanese graphics and architectural drawings are portrayed. 

The "Natural"

The Kamakura Path connects the community center located to the west and public area of the cape, to the private artist cabins located to the east. This path is completely open, relying on stilts and trusses for support, allowing for a gentle interaction with the mountain.

What Engulfs  the Path
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Image 1

Brick openings are oriented towards the ground entries in order to optimize the amount of light coming in. The smaller openings are closer to the light letting less light in, while the larger openings are further away from the "attractor point" shown above, allowing for more light to come in where it is needed

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underwater cave

underwater cave



Images 2-3

The underground private artist path (2). The connection to the two cabins is accessible once the artist reaches the underwater cave (3).

In order to reduce intervention on the natural scape of Cape Kamakura, stilts and trusses are used to keep the structure floating above the hill rather than embedded within it.

In order to maintain a private entrance for artists, the path also has an underground entrance leading to the cabins. To lower the disruption into the cape, the private artist path is narrow and minimalist. 





Images 4-5

The structure of trusses and stilts holding up the public (4) and the above-ground path (5).

Japan and the art of walking

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The path is split into two. The public path and the private one. The public path is the visible path, held by stilts and trusses on top of the mountain, while the private path is reserved for the artists, it is located inside the mountain and leads to the artist cabins.

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Image 1

Diagram showing the public path (darker line), and the private path (lighter line).

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Image 2

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Image 3

Diagram showing the public path (black line).

Diagram showing the private path (yellow line).

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