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Port of Genoa 

This project is set in the neighborhood of Nuovo Molo in the city of Genoa, Italy. The project consists of a small cruise terminal, shops, restaurants, and a public space. Most importantly, it is an urban project, connecting and serving the people and the city.

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The project began with the following scheme: Volumes behind a screen.

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Promenade ->
<- Volumes

The 'screen' morphed into a waters-edge promenade that lights up at night and houses coffee shops, bars, and restaurants. It is open to the public day & night.

The volumes are empty spaces where the cruise terminal, shops, and other day programs would be located. 

The promenade formed a boundary that guided the motif for all other design decisions of this project. Genoa itself is a city of boundaries, pressed in between the mountains and the water's edge.

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Green Space



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Click to open a detailed PDF of the plan

The "natural"
The "Natural" Conditions of the City of Genoa

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City/ activities

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Genoa's unique geographical condition makes it both a coastal and a mountainous city. 

Image 1

The mountains, sea and the cityscape define the current geography of Genoa. The city (the hub of activities) is located between the mountains (where people play and spend time outdoors),  and the sea (area dedicated for viewing and sea-watching).



City/ activities

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Image 2

This diagram shows the promenade in blue, an area dedicated to viewing. The volumes are shown in yellow, containing the terminal, shops, and other day programs. 


Image 3

This diagram further emphasizes the boundaries present in the project.

The Grid and Topology Surrounding the Port

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Throughout Genoa's history, the water's edge has served different purposes. Between 1835-1844, the Terrazze di Marmo (Image 1) was built, separating the sea from the city through an elevated walkway.

The current water's edge (Image 2) is a place for sitting and walking by the water - a popular activity in the city of Genoa. 

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Image 1

The picture above depicts the Terrazze di Marmo built in 1835 and demolished in 1844. 


Image 2

The current water-edge in the port of Genoa. The edge is somewhat left barren with nothing but a few benches. The landscape is defined by steel, concrete, and naval elements such as cranes and container ships. 

       Existing architecture      

       New Model       

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Image 3

The existing architecture lacks the volumes and promenade proposed by the new model.


Image 4

The building, Magazzini del Cotone, currently located adjacent to the project.

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Image 5

Rendering of the cruise terminal showing how the materiality of the Magazzini del Cotone would be affected by the new model.

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