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This is a page about the architect

Sophia Cabral is a Miami-based architectural designer and adjunct professor of architecture at Florida International University. She grew up in the northern part of Brazil on the edge of the Amazon, surrounded by nature in the city of Belém. Sophia's interest in architecture grew out of her wonder about humans' power to shape their environment and her desire to create. She is passionate about making cities a place where every species can feel part of the landscape and enjoy it equally. 

Her main interests involve the design of small-scale urban interventions that they can repeat throughout the city. These interventions include building spaces or objects that meet cultural and social needs while containing layers of biodiversity and life. The construction of "urban habitats", meaning pockets of space where ecological interactions are diverse, to improve the lives of all species of a city is Sophia's current curiosity. She wished to build many urban habitats someday worldwide, blurring the boundaries between nature and the city. 


If you would like to contact me, partner up, or just find out more about my work, click on the chat bubble in the lower right-hand corner or shoot me a DM on Instagram. @sophia_cabral

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