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Not all are useful, but each "product", or object, was made simply for the sake of exploration. Either of a software, a 3D printing tool, a material...

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"Rio Grid" Board and Removable Tiles

Together, the tiles and the board depict the city grid of Rio de Janeiro, both abstractly and literally. From the hills to the coast. This piece is a kitchen item. You may use the board as a cutting board when all tiles are out, the tiles may be used as coasters or trivets.


Relaxation Cube

As the name implies, this cube's main purpose is to aid in your relaxation. With pressure, outer knobs move the inner cloth in a variety of ways.



Textured Bowl 

Scan of Fungiidae coral made into a fruit bowl


Green Shaker 

A cocktail shaker that mists your air plants upon use. Air Plants can latch on the crevices of the shaker’s skin.

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